Smokers and women who take the contraceptive pill have additional Vitamin E requirements.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, but unlike other fat-soluble vitamins, up to 70% is excreted in the faeces each day. It is stored in the liver fatty tissues, heart, testes, uterus, muscles, blood and the adrenal and pituitary glands.
Vitamin E is chemically known as alpha tocopherol, the most active group of a group of eight tocopherols. It has a huge number of therepeutic properties and is used in the treatment of many health disorders including coronary heart disease, muscular dystrophy and schizophrenia. It has also been used successfully in the treatment and prevention of some cancers.
Smokers and some woman taking the contraceptive pill will need extra vitamin E since both are reported to lead to deficiency, vitamin E is easily destroyed by heat, oxygen, freezing, food processing and chlorine (found in some drinking water). Frozen foods, particularly those that have been frozen longer than two months are likely to have negligible vitamin E content.
What's good about Vitamin E:
Slows the aging process. Regular use of Vitamin E skin cream helps to slow down the degenerative aging process.
Provides the body with oxygen
Protects lungs against pollution
Helps the development of nerves and muscles
Helps to prevent miscarriages
Improves immune activity in the body
Works as a natural diuretic
Heals the skin and helps prevent scarring
Improves fertility
Deficiency Symptoms:
Muscle degeneration, reproductive problems, some aenemias, age spots, cataracts, infertility, fragile red bloods cells and some nueromuscular damage.
Good sources:
Wheatgerm, soybeans, vegetable oils, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, whole wheat, eggs, oats, almonds, butter, peanuts, sunflower oil, seeds.
Essential Fatty Acids
Bacon, Leek & Brocolli Quiche with easy potato crust pastry