Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Quick guide to vitamins and minerals


Vitamin A for growth and immune system function. Found in milk, cheese, egg yolk.

The B Vitamins for immune system function, and assisting the body in releasing energy from food. Found in lean meats, poultry, dairy, wholemeal and wholegrains.

Vitamin C for healthy skin, bones and gums. Also increases iron absorption. Found in broccoli, cauliflower and citrus fruit.

Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption for strong bones and teeth. Found in oily fish and eggs.

Vitamin E protects the cells in the body from damage and disease. Found in nut oils, sweet potatoes.

Vitamin K for blood clotting. Found in green leafy veg such as spinach and broccoli.


Iron for healthy blood and brain development. Also important in transporting oxygen around the body. Found in lean meats, poultry, legumes, eggs and dark green leafy veg.

Calcium for growth and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Found in dairy products, leafy green veg, fortified bread.

Selenium has antioxidant properties that protect the body’s cells from damage. Found in fish, lean meat, poultry, dairy products.

Zinc for growth and immune function. Found in lean meat, chicken, milk and cheese

The Department of Health recommends that it’s important that each meal throughout the day is made up of food from each of the 3 nutrients:

Carbohydrates provide energy to fuel the body. Includes complex ‘starchy’ carbs such as bread rice, potatoes and pasta; as well as fruit and veg. Fruit and veg are especially important as they also provide fibre and vitamins and minerals. Nutritionally, frozen fruit and veg are just as good as fresh, and you can also give dried and canned varieties (but be wary of added salt or sugar)

Protein: the ‘building blocks’ for growth and development. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy are the best sources of protein. Remember that when it comes to dairy, whole cow’s milk is better than skimmed for under-2s as it is a rich source of several nutrients. Pulses and beans like lentils and chickpeas are great non-animal sources of protein.

Fats provide a long term store of energy for the body. They also help provide insulation and to control body temperatures. Be wary of trans-fats, often declared as hydrogenated fats on ingredients labels, which are sometimes found in chips, crisps, cakes and biscuits. Focus instead on the ‘healthy fats’ like omega 3 an essential fatty acid which is needed for brain development and other important bodily functions. Fish particularly oily fish, is a wonderful source of omega 3, as is rapeseed oil and olive oil.

So how much of all of these foods should be eaten every day?

Starchy carbohydrates
4 servings a day

Fruit and vegetables 
5 servings a day

Protein - non-dairy sources
2 servings a day

Protein - dairy
3 servings a day to hit calcium requirements

Allow some fat each day with, but not instead of, the other nutrient groups.
To ensure adequate intake of Omega 3, aim for 2 servings of fish a week, 1 of which should be oily.

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