Thursday 8 March 2012

Drying Herbs

Herbs are used in microwave cooking in eaxctly the sase way as for conventional methods.  The microwave can be utilised to dry herbs:

The sprigs of herbs should be washed & dried then laid on a double thickness of absorbent kitchen paper.

Place another piece of paper loosely over the top.

Cook on maximum (full) for about 2 minutes, then leave the herbs to cool for 5 minutes.

When the herbs have been cooked enough they will become crisp & dry when they cool.

Continue cooking in bursts of 1 or 2 minutes until the sprigs are properly dried.

Cool completely before crumbling & storing in an airtight jar.

The exact timing depends on the type of herbs.  If you want to prepare a pot of mixed dried herbs, then dry them individually before mixing.

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