Tuesday 13 March 2012

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6  is a member of the B Complex family.  Deficiency is most common in those of us who eat diets centred around "junk" or "convenience" food.  Food processing destroys up to 90% Vitamin B6 content of any food, which means that whole fresh foods are the key source.  Many menstrual problems, including PMS are also linked to small deficiences of  this Vitamin.

Vitamin B6 is another of  water water-soluble vitamins & any excess is excreted from the body about 8 hours after digestion.  Because food processing destroys 90%,  deficiency is quite common.  Women taking HRT or the contraceptive pill will have increased requirements.  So too will people having diets high in protein or with excessive alcohol consumption.

What's good about Vitamin B6?
Necessary for:
  • production of  hydrocholoric acid & magnesium,
  • absorption of Vitamin B12
  • the production of antibodies & red blood cells

It's good for:
  • metabolizing protein, carbohydrates & fats
  • helping to metabolize & transport selenium
  • a natural diuretic action
  • helping the body to absorb zinc
  • alleviating nausea
  • synthesising nucleic acids
Deficiency symptoms:
  • anemia
  • insomnia
  • kidney stones
  • morning sickness
  • PMS
  • skin rashes
  • dry skin
  • nervousness

Goods sources of Vitamin B6 are:
Avocados, bananas, fish, wheat bran, liver, cantaloupe, cabbage, milk, eggs, seeds.

For recipes rich in Vitamin B6 click the title link:
Pineapple Dessert
Liver & Bean Casserole
Cod Parcels with Parma Ham & Pesto
Trout Fillets with Orange Butter Sauce

Click title link if you would like to check out the health value of other B Complex family members:
Vitamin B12

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