Saturday 10 March 2012


Iron is an essential mineral nutrient. It is a component of hemoglobin & myoglobin molecules - the hemoglobin in red blood cells transports oxygen from the lungs to body cells & returns waste carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs. The myoglobin in red muscle tissues transports oxygen to the tissues for energy storage.

Iron in the body that is not in use is stored in the spleen, bone marrow & liver.  Iron deficiency (anemia) is a condition often associated with deficiency & was described by Egyptian physicists as long ago as 1500 B.C.E.

Women lose twice as much iron as men & are more likely to be deficient, particularly during child bearing years. Drinking coffee within an hour of a meal can reduce iron absobsion by up to 80%.

What's good about iron?
  • Necessary for production of hemoglobin & certain enzymes
  • Necessary for immune activity
  • Required to supply oxygen to the cells
  • Required by the liver
  • Protects against free radicals
Good sources of iron are:
Liver, kidney, raw clams, cocoa powder, beans, dark chocolate, shellfish, nuts, pulses, brocolli, red meat, egg yolks, molasses.

For iron rich recipes try these from my 'Just' series of food blogs:
Liver & Bean Casserole
Bulghur Wheat with Leeks
Delicious quick Salad using lentils
Easy Beef Rice

What better way to enjoy a guilt-free pudding when you know that it is rich in essential iron:
Chocolate Weetabix Slice with Cocoa Icing
Deep Dark Chocolate Cup Cakes

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