Thursday 15 March 2012

Selenium (trace element)

Selenium is one of the most talked about trace elements of the moment. It has been discovered to be an antioxidant and to provide protection against many cancers as well as age related conditions such as heart disease and arthritis. The body requires only small amounts each day but it is essential particularly for its role in protecting the cell membranes & improving their overall function.

What's good about selenium:

  • Antioxidant
  • Required for health immune system
  • Improves liver function
  • Maintains healthy eyes & eyesight
  • Maintains healthy hair & skin
  • Protects against heart & circulatory diseases
  • May impede ageing process
  • Can detoxify alcohol, many drugs, smoke & some fats
  • Increases male potency drive
Good sources:
Wheatgerm, wheatbran, tuna fish, onions, whole wheat bread, tomatoes, brocolli.
By eating the following recipes from my Just Food blogs regularly you will have a healthy balance of selenium. (click titles to link).
Low fat Tomato soup
Pineapple Salsa with Finger SalmonFillet or tuna steak
Vegetable Bolognaise

These links describe the importance of other elements & vitamins with easy tasty recipes to try (click title to link)
Bee products
Vitamin C
Vitamin Q

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