Wednesday 29 February 2012

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for the immune system & for the health of every tissue in the body. Because vitamin C is water soluble, our bodies cannot store it & we must ensure we get adequate quantities in our diet on a regular basis. The best forms are fruits & vegetables, which should be eaten fresh, or raw whenever possible.
Alcohol, aspirin, tobacco, stress, infections & the contraceptive pill all lead to an increased need for vitamin C.

What's good about vitamin C:
  • Necessary for absorption of iron
  • Antioxidant
  • Stimulates immune system activity
  • Encourages production of stress hormones
  • Helps wounds to heal
  • Necessary for healthy bones & tissue
  • Necessary for growth & repair of blood vessels, cells, gums, bones & teeth.
Good sources are citrus fruits, brocolli, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, leafy green vegetables, green bell peppers, brussels sprouts, cabbage.

Try this recipe from my Just Food blog which is rich in vitamin C
Rib-eye steaks with bacon, leeks &shallots, potatoes & brocolli

A deliciousvitamin C rich recipe from my Just (microwave) Food blog Trout Fillets with Orange Butter Sauce

Crunchy Berry Crush is packed with Vitamin C & low in fat

Pineapple Dessert - vitamin C rich

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