Thursday 23 February 2012

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is sometimes known as vitamin Q. It is a vitamin-like substance found in many foods & existing in every cell in the body with concentrations in the liver & heart. It plays a part in cell function & is believed to help in the treatment of obesity, diabetes & Alzheimer's disease. The body must have enough Q10 for the nervous system to function efficiently. It stimulates the immune system.

What's good about it:
  • Enhances immunity
  • Improves the heart muscle metabolism
  • May help prevent coronary insufficiency & heart failure
  • Antiaging
  • Necessary for healthy functioning of nervous system & brain cells
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Used in treatment of gum disease

Q10 is found rich naturally in organ meats, spinach, polyunsaturated vegetable oils & fish such as tuna & sardines.

Try a recipe rich in Q10 naturally as shown on my Just Food blog by clicking on the following links:

Click title to see recipe for Liver & Bean Casserole which is a good source of Q10 & also rich in
and in Vitamin B6. The most common deficiency of Vitamin B6 occurs in people whose diets are mainly centred around "junk" food. Check out its important value by clicking on the title link.

Another recipe from my Just (microwave) Food Spaghetti Bolognese is rich in Q10 because of the spinach ingredient
or a variation Sausage Apple Spaghetti snack

Essential Fatty Acids


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