What's good about Polyphenols &
- Reduces bruising in susceptible individuals
- Protect capillaries
- Protect against cerebral & other hemoraghing
- Reduce menstrual bleeding
- Have antioxidant properties & encourage Vitamin C's own antioxidant qualities
- Antiviral activity
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti allergy
- May help to cure colds
Flavinoids are also known as
bioflavonoids & flavones & were originally called vitamin P.
They are antioxidants, found in the company of vitamin C in natural
foods & are responsible for the colour in the leaves, flowers &
stems of food plants. Best sources of flavinoids include citrus
fruits, apricots, cherries, green bell peppers, broccolli &
Some herbs are also rich in polyphenols
& flavinoids, including ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, milk thistle &
Click links for more info:
Hot Spiced Pears is a healthy recipe full of antioxidants & flavinoids from my Just Puds blog